I am not sure if I got things right. Should I be able to move with WASD when in a cutscene, or just in general? If the latter, then can't we just use WASD for the camera movements? QEFG is just confusing when one can use their mouse to look, or the thumb stick of a controller (by the way Controller works fine, I checked)
Music of the intro is nice on its own, but a bit too dynamic to be an ambient track. The loop is also too short, so while the whole thing sounds good, it also distracts me while I am trying to read, especially when I am trying to understand the mechanics. There is also more babbling than actual information in it. I understand it helps to set tone, but maybe tone it a bit down so I can get my bearings a bit. Then you can resume to full TV show.
The textboxes of the answers are a bit close together, I was worried which one I am clicking at. Yeah I can see where the little singal appears beside the one you are currently selecting, but not having the question where I should be clicking is important.
All said and done, I respect the ambition. Also Edgar is my favorite design by far.