Wow, this is great feedback. Thanks for putting so much time into playtesting, and writing everything is such a organized way. Hope I can respond to all of it.
1) I plan to add hardways, horn bets, taking odds, and lay bets. Hop bets are tough just because of the UI needed, so they probably won't be in for a while. The main issue is figuring out where to fit them on the game board, and presenting them in an easy to understand way for non-craps players.
2) Increasing the min bet is a really good idea, IDK why I hadn't thought of that. But yes, I plan to do a lot of tweaks to difficulty, I think I went a little to easy by about 40% with this first demo. Hard mode and other ways to challenge players are also something I'm working on adding.
3) Not intentional, more of an oversight. Letting player revert dice mid level is a good idea.
4) For sure, that's also a good idea. The entire "odds" screen needs some love anyhow.
5) I'll speed up the fast roll for sure. Both are speeds are picking a random float between two values (Which you deduced very close too). I could possibly even add a setting for them, and give players more freedom.
6) Yeah I have to make the control scheme a bit better. My goal was to avoid multiple clips when placing multiple bets (IE: 10$ on each number) but there's still issues. Currently the fastest way is to just drop the unwanted chip somewhere on the board, and they will be cleaned up on the next roll. But will work on improving it for sure.
7) Yes to the reword and color coding.
8) Others mentioned this as well, it's a high priority TODO.
9) This is a great idea, especially as the UI changes. Will look into it. Also want to add some "tooltip" mode so new players can check the rules of bet locations
10) Good point.
Thanks for all the bug reports. I thought I'd fixed that shop one! Will work on fixing them, most aren't hard to fix.
Thanks again for spending so much time playtesting, and reporting great feedback. I really appreciate the time you spent, and hope you had fun! Thanks for playing!