Hi Axelstems,
I'm quite impressed with the game so far. Just have a few questions, and possible improvements to the UI from the period of time of playing the demo.
1. Will you add Hardways, Single Bets, C&E, "Free Odds", and one time bets? Or are these excluded to reduce complexity? Could be exciting to break the game with some of these added, considering you can change the dice.
2. Will you ever implement a higher minimum bet as the game progresses, increase the stakes, and more challenging? Perhaps a hard mode?
3. Was it by design to not allow the player to change between the colored and non colored dice between rolls, and only via the shop? What if we wanted to reset back to regular white dice?
4. Can you put an odds button on the table, so we can view how we modified the point numbers for our payouts?
5. I feel the "Fast Roll" doesn't feel faster since they are stationary in place, even though its a consistent 1.8 seconds roughly on my stopwatch. Sometimes my regular roll resolves as quickly as 1.4 seconds to 3.8 seconds. Even the "longer" rolls when animated feels faster. Is it possible to increase the animation speed of the regular roll?
6. Can you add a way to cancel the chip we are currently holding, by say Right Clicking or something to cancel? Having to drag the chip back to the bottom, clicking, before clicking something else got a little annoying.
7. During the shop phase for the "Cage" perhaps color code the "$1" -> 10 chips aspect to make it clearer that we are spending gold to buy more bankroll. Also, I noted that chip and bankroll are essentially the same thing, but it wasn't clear in the store that we were spending $1 gold to buy $10 of bankroll.
8. Add a restart button or a way to go back to the main menu, without needing to refresh the screen. (I was playing on the web browser"
9. Maybe while you are holding a chip, highlight all the locations that you can drop the chip itself. Unless you knew the rules, you might wonder why you can drop a chip under the point, but not above the point. (IE, that's for the come line)
10. You should explain in the tutorial that once you wager money on the "Pass Line" it cannot be refunded while the point is set.
Bugs found:
1. In the tutorial, if you try rolling the dice while the message "Now Press this to roll the dice and set the point!" hasn't finished rendering on the screen, we get a hard lock where the tutorial doesn't progress any further.
2. If you roll the dice while the message "Make a wager on the pass line, using the chips below", we also get a hard lock where the tutorial doesn't progress any further. I was unable to add any chips to the pass line.
Basically at any point of the tutorial if you "don't behave" and mess around and play chips, or roll the dice before it prompts you to, it goes to a state and hard locks the tutorial. Didn't want to list them all, but I found more than the two above in the tutorial. Possibly hard lock the player from doing any moves until prompted?
3. Even if the master volume is set all the way to the left, its not completely muted. I also set music and effects dial all the way to the left, I also could still hear sound. Maybe a setting to toggle the sound off.
4. When in the shop, if you click where the chips should be on the overlay, you can drag and drop them all over the shop screen. Possibly disable clicking on the bottom layer while in the shop? On that note, possibly do not allow random chip placement in non valid locations?

5. While the point is on, when you click on the chips on the pass line, it still has the "Return Bets" show up if you click on it. Possibly have a pop up show up "Cannot Return Bet while the point is on" instead of it just closing when you click on it.
I'll update my comments as I find more things. But awesome job! Looking forward to seeing what you add to the game going forward.