I completely agree ! I've had some trouble properly setting up the different control schemes to be consistent. I've added a sensitivity slider in the settings , hopefully this goes some way in helping.
The camera stays in the same place behind the bullet at all times to the best of my knowledge, but the bullet can move strangely off walls sometimes, I still haven't quite been able to perfect that , Could you explain further what you mean by the camera rotation changes? Hopefully it is something intentional lol
Funnily enough in the PirateJam version, you lost a lot of speed with each ricohet and falling below a certain speed threshold would result in a game over, however it was more fun to bounce around so I loosened the restrictions on this a lot. Based on your feedback, I think I need to find a better middle ground lol. Thank you so much for this valuable feedback !!
That is hilarious !! I thought it would add an extra challenge if you also had to dodge yourself xD