Reached the second level. Video:
I have been following in twitter and was looking forward to trying the game. It has a cool aesthetic and a nice way to handle the inventory,. Some things to note:
The camera can give motion sickness. I don't think you should allow to twist the camera in that way while in putt mode.
I'm not good enough to beat the levels, specially with such harsh limits. Having to wait after dying made things feels even more punishing. I did want to get to the part where there was the conveyor belt and the furby but I just cannot see myself going through the golfing part.
I managed to start the game and beat the first level without the shotgunThere were many situations where the physics felt wonky. Sometimes I couldn't hit the ball, either because it was too close to a wall or because there was a moving wall that changed where my shotgun was.
There is no options menu, which is understandable at this point in development, but ppressing escape shouldn't take you to the main menu without telling you in advance.