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Hi Xenogate, thanks very much for playing my game and your honest and detailed review.

I think a lot of what is wrong with the game (in terms of bugs like static bosses etc) is my own fault for making the game much larger than I feasibly had time create to a decent standard. I am glad you appreciated the mechanics I implemented and saw past most of the shortcomings - the game really deserved much more love and polish than I had time to give it due to other life commitments like work and social obligations not to mention the jam submission deadline.

I learned a lot from making this game like how to temper my expectations and better manage resources, like time and energy spent on making games. My hopes for the future are to iron out these problems and to expand on what is done right there such as more NPCs in Crestfallen, more backstory for the heroes and such. I'm not sure when I will get around to that (if ever), but the game I think deserves it


I’m not sure if you should be so critical, because in terms of gameplay time and composition, I think you were the best. It wasn’t my favorite game (since preference has nothing to do with quality), but yours was one of the two that received five stars in every category. Given the time and limitations, it offers a lot: a rich world, well-built mechanics, engaging characters, and an interesting, varied, and even balanced level design, considering the relationship between Lost Souls and progression. The time I spent grinding was because the game gave me good reasons to do so.

Besides that, I liked Crestfallen so much that I was surprised your game wasn’t named after it. I found it more impactful than Lost Soul in terms of lore. Still, Lost Soul makes sense, as anyone searching for Dark Souls-related content will inevitably use 'Souls' as a tag at some point and end up finding your game.

You have something truly great in your hands. Don’t be too bitter about your creation because of certain limitations—you achieved all of this despite them. Having a game with 2 to 3 hours of meaningful content (my save was 2 hours and 42 minutes) and a dynamic exploration system is a major accomplishment, and I’m sure you know that.

You poured a lot of your soul into this, and your game is satisfying in part because you dedicated yourself to invisible details, like the SP mechanics and asymmetric progression. If you keep hammering away at your own creation too much, you might end up forgetting why you loved it in the first place. Don't let that happen. (+ I just received on my feed that Crimson Ribbon is out for download, nothing to do with my comment, but I'm very excited to see your artistic evolution.)


Thank you for your encouragement!

I did put a lot of effort into making my game with mechanics - which is by the way my favourite part of the development process whenever I pick up a new project in RM. What can I achieve in the engine that could emulate or do similar to this existing AAA title or maybe even something new that's not been innovated yet is usually the first thing I ask myself and then go from there.

RPG Maker gets a bad rap on the internet as I'm sure you're aware due to slews of bad meme games uploaded with terrible English and database filled characters and NPCs littering vast, empty and uninteresting worlds. I would argue that is the product of lazy, unimaginative people and not the fault of the engine. As others have proved, these engines have the power to take your breath away with truly amazing things 'Woah - is this even an RPG Maker game?!'

Sorry I went off on a tangent there but again thank you for your insights and I am glad you enjoyed it. Just a heads up I will be joining the next RPG Maker themed jam and already have something in mind for that so I hope to see you over there when the time comes!