I found some possible bugs, and questions on the abilities of certain special chips:
1.PSO Begone - Spelling error in description. Immediately is spelt incorrectly
2. I already have the Payer 5/9 chip, but it showed up in the store again. Did you want to allow duplicate special chips in play?
3. I think the description should explain sister pairs, for example the sister numbers of 5 and 9 are 4 and 10
4. When you try to sell a special chip, maybe say Sell for $2, and offer a cancel button? I had an issue where i clicked on the special chip, and it just said 2$, but i cannot get rid of this pop up. I continued to play this round all the way up to 15/10, and the 2$ persisted.

5. Is doubling the wager too powerful? When a special chip doubles the wager of a number, you can return the chips back to your bankroll. Was this intentional? I used this method to stay alive in the higher levels.