First off, I feel sorry that you had to experience this, and I now do understand better where you stand and why you stand there.
Please accept my apologies should I have accidentally hurt you in this discussion, as this was never my intention.
People call JasonAfex creepy for the things he did and that the things he did are extremely hurtful to people is something I do not try to argue against and never wanted to argue against. Getting hurt by thing others do is too familiar to me to not understand.
All I argue against is that he is called a pedophile because he dated Kabier when she was 16. That is for the reasons I already stated, and because pedophiles (when appearing in the news) tend to have done things to multiple children and/or todlers I deem unspeakable. Something way worse than all mentioned till now.
I still think that a 21-year-old dating a 16-year-old is strange despite being legal, (as I mentioned in my first comment) and thus don’t think it is normal.
I just see what especially Kabier said to this and that their love/relationship still holds after more than a decade, which is (at least from what I learned about it) unusual for a relationship that begun this early in live and didn’t include kids. This makes me think that they just have a genuine loving relationship with a beginning that is as unusual as it should be.
So again, I agree that what happened with them is not normal and should never become normal, but I truly think, that calling JasonAfex a pedophile is a false statement.
[Edit:] Thinking about it, what I call strange is exactly the fact you call creepy for what happened to you, making this a point that falls under the unintended hurting.
So again, I must apologize, because I failed to realize this while writing.