Thank you for understanding, my initial comment was a bit strong in wording but i still hold true to the "creepy" title i have given jason. But i was having a rough night mentally due to the past, and seeing this game pop up while looking for some laid back stories that i could calm down with and read. It triggered something deep inside me that fueled me with hatred and made me act immaturely. So i apologize for that, but my view on Jason will always be that hes a creepy, terrible person.
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Look i was immature with some of my responses but seeing someone who is a known creep and has a platform, from someone who has went through grooming and creeps trying to hurt me when i was younger, i know what its like and seeing people normalize What jason did is beyond hurtful to not only me but those who have been affected by groomers and creeps.
Bro, why are you dick riding jason so hard? He DOES love minors if he DIDNT he wouldnt have DATED a minor and then got MARRIED to them. But since this is some guy who made your favorite sex game awhile back doesnt mean you should defend him.
And the evidence does not go against, actually it supports me, cause he DID date a minor. And we cant be FOR SURE that he only loves kabier.
im not saying everyone that follows him is a creep, but the more people know hes creepy the less people will follow him. but everyone in this comment section dick riding him is beyond wild. Hes a creep and should be treated as such. Regardless if kab is fine with it, he still dated a minor and used a minors voice in a pornographic video.
bro i posted the journal for a reason so people can (edit: try to) disprove me. i said "for all we know" we dont know if he did or not. groom victims will usually avoid saying anything. How about we all collectively agree that dating a minor as a 20+ year old man is creepy. No age of consent will change that. But no just cause he made your favorite sex game he is on this high pedestal. This man is beyond disgusting.
JasonAfex started dating his spouse around when she was 15 (allegedly), but he says she was 16 but everything added up to his spouse being 15 at the time they started interacting (he had also used her Voice Acting in a pornographic video when she was a minor.). JasonAfex is also a very dogshit human being. He has been on twitter (X) and has basically made a joke out of Dragoneer’s Death (furaffinity owner).
If you still support him after this thats just wild.