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A member registered Apr 21, 2020

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I'm afraid that Brazen Games is gone, their Patreon had no update since Christmas 2023

I would like to make a (hopefully) small suggestion: Make loading requiring an additional step, like it is with overwriting a save file. And yes, accidentally loading a save sounds like a rare problem, but I still want to suggest this, as this happened to me multiple times by now. 😅

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I did some testing with ideas from previous stories I created within your game. It seems to work fine now, at least I couldn’t find any new problems. But the random stat-changes still occur from time to time. (in one case a gold coin got my character pregnant when picking it up)

There is no need to apologize, I am glad that a game with this amount of freedom exists. What I said in the post scriptum of my comment 2 days ago still counts for what it's worth: I’m aware that the game is highly experimental and still a WIP, but that’s why I write my comment, because bugs/problems must be named to be found.

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I think the new options don't work completely yet.

I tried to – partly – recreate, what I did before with long, thought through prompts. Additionally I tried a setting where tentacles do not fit (in my opinion), so I put these into the Narrative section:

(I made sure that those are the only mentions of tentacles left)

Then after the first propmt I see this:

After a reload and renewing my edits to the 5 options from the Developer Mode, it worked.

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First off: I love the enormous freedom the game gives, once you write your own prompts instead of sticking to the suggested. And it is a fun challenge to get the AI to tell a (mostly) consistent story that doesn’t center on a forest full of tentacles. With a self-written starting situation and mostly the suggested prompts, I even managed to hold court in a castle. There was also the dragon slayer story, we’re the typo “I ill the beast” ended up with nursing the dragon back to health because I somehow felt bad for making it ill instead of killing it.


I can only repeat myself: I love the enormous freedom this game gives.


But (even when sticking to the suggested prompts) there are 5 problems I found that I feel I should point out:

  • The general consistency: The AI seems to forget almost everything that the player doesn’t actively interact with.
    Like: I leave a lake, something happens, I choose to walk back, and there is longer any lake. But I can try to plug some fruit for three prompts in a row, when I consistently try to get there.

  • Creature/NPC/PC consistency: It doesn’t happen too often, but sometimes things completely change between sentences.
    Like: A tentacle-creature first described as a mass creeping over the floor, and suddenly it’s a tree.
    With self-written prompts it became even stranger, as a man suddenly became a female and a dog, simply by petting a dog.
    And There is the all-time classics: “You walked down the stairs? Your PREGNANT.” “Oh, you sat down at the table, guess what… pregnancy.” “And yes, touching that dandelion forces you to lay eggs.”

  • Random teleports/multidimensional experiences: In the suggested prompts, I had (even though just once) a situation, where the character was taken by 4 different monsters in 3 different locations, at the same time. In the self-written, sometimes creatures/NPCs suddenly change places, e.g. They walk beside me, then they have been waiting for me in the room we’re just about to enter.

  • Sometimes the AI ignores Prompts: This is a bit sad with the self-written prompts, but feels bad, if the prompt was suggested by the AI itself.
    As an example: I choose to run from a creature, and the AI describes how the character submits.

  • Last, and the only actual bad thing: When the AI regenerates the text-field doesn’t open again, so one must save, wait for the countdown to end and then reload the page.
    The problem is only that the text-field’s blocking isn’t removed when the regeneration is done. Saving is a necessity anyway and that you can’t pay for everyone to use the AI without the regeneration is obvious.


p.s. I’m aware that the game is highly experimental and still a WIP, but that’s why I take took my time to write this comment, because bugs/problems must be named to be found.

p.s.s. English is my not my native language, so please excuse if I made a mistake with my wording or spelling, as well as when something is expressed in a strange way.

Unless the field below the text is blocked with a message telling you that the free API must regenerate, you can just write anything in there, and the game will try to use that for the story’s next part. But how can you reach the end?

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Using steam for this game is impossible for a larger group of people, as there are countries in which Steam does not sell this kind of games

Thanks for the answer. The solution helped, after I reencountered the bug (needed a few new playthroughs but I wanted to test it).

Oh, and since I forgot to say it two days ago:
They game is fun to play, and the porn is written nicely (at least imo as a non-native speaker).

Don't know if it is a problem possible to easily recreate, but on some of my playthroughs the horseman in Morya's fields is a softlock, as the blue text to do something simply does not appear.

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Anyone else having the same problem? 

[Edit] The problems gone with the Version 0.0.9

The following is an assumption based on the discord-server, and there it seems like the game has been on hiatus due to studying and moving.

JackiAnon did post that alpha 13 would come soon, but that was 02. July this year, so I can’t say how long it will take until it can be found here.

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Thanks for the answer. I never get caught a second time after in full gear, thinking that it would be the same as the first time in full gear.

And I’ll look forward to later releases, I think if they like the ones till now, they all will bring fun new things to play with.

Hi, just two questions:

First, there is that transport-drone from the seventh picture (directly besides the install instructions). While I found the hill with it, there was no way to activate or interact with it, so is there a way or is it planned for a future update?

Second, will it become possible to reactivates the transporters restrains and toy?

Based on Voodoo Monkey’s last comment (27.10.2022) on and the fact that the patron seems to receive updates (last March 23) it could be in a large rework.

But with no visible activity for little over 20 month it is possible, that Voodoo Monkey abandoned

According to the status it's released.

Many thanks for your answer.

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Doe’s anyone know how to get an ID, that does not include the PC being fucked (outside the players control)?

P.s. I do not complain about sex in this kind of game, it just feels strange, that one has to get railed outside of their control before several jobs and shops become actual useful/usable.

Why would you think it is dead, there are regular updates and the patreon version is updated too.
But you might be right about the public version, even so I'm sure to remember them say that another Demo-Build was planned, but that was somewhere in the middle or end of 2022.

Thank you for the answer and I'm glad to hear (well actually to read) that

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Is there any chance, for a new public build to be released at this site?

[Edit]: I am aware that there is no right to get a public build. I just wonder if a new one is planned, since I liked the game and would love to see and play more of it.

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Under the assumption, that google translated your question correctly:

As far as I’m aware, it needs a lot of time, increasing her bond. So, keep talking with her, make her presents and you will get more options.

Oh, and please, unless you comment on something written in your native language, please use English. It will help others to understand what you’re asking without using a translator and thus allows a lot more people to answer you – what again would help you too.

p.s. English isn’t my native language either, so I get, that it is more comfortable to use the language one is used to read on a daily basis, but on the internet you only restrict yourself with it.

Unless Sam_Tail decided to quietly abandon the website within the last 48 days, they most likely just work on the next bigger update and give their patreons the smaller updates to try out the new things first and allow them to give feedback / have an influence on the game, they support with regular payments.

And the 48 days are based on the fact, that that was the time, Sam_Tail last reacted to a comment on this site. (precisely it was the 2023.12.15 at 19:55:22 UTC)

It seems to just happens at random. Also (as far as I remember) it seems only to trigger when entering the dorm at the afternoon or evening.
But I cant say when it happens, as I had a run were it happend during the second week, but also one, where (I belive) it happend at the third day.

Here's a link to the FA-Page of Jackie Northstar’s owner:

 But when Jackie appeared first RahiMew mentioned that she alowed that. (

I might be wrong, but I think you dodged the best friend route by not going to the party. At least I had 2 events with him/her by going there.

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If you talk about funds for the vending machine, then it is an extra for the patreons. (For the exact amount, look in their patreon page)

His FA account is still active, so Squawks is alive, but I do not know if the gryphon is well, as the last post there is seven month old. (But he adds pics his to favorites there, the last was less than an hour ago by the time I'm posting this)

p.s. Yes I assume Sqwaks is male, but this is based on the fact, that he uses a male gryphon (barky bird as also written by him in FA) as his fursona.

Unsure, it was said, that the game would be continued once it is possible again.

But the problem SeductiveKneesocks’ eyes were already expected to take a very long time so there isn’t any Progress.

Also, there is a long description on about a lot stuff in the last post with a statement at the end, that the game isn’t abandoned, only very slow.

How do I turn down the game sounds?
The slider in the options doesn't seem to do anything other than look nice.

It‘s probably the last public, since only completed chapters are published here.

There might be more content for ptreons.

You'll need full healt and should use buffs and debuffs.  The debuffs-skills you get from the going full nude were pretty helpfull to me.

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Please try not to think that a few minutes might have helped.

Whatever caused her death, if it's so sudden and inexplicable, a few minutes probably wouldn't change anything.

But thanks to you, she didn't have to die muzzled in a cage. It sounds like you allowed her to have a peaceful death instead.


The following may sound dull, but I wish someone had told me this: Focus on the time you've had.

Even if it was only a few days, during those days you gave her a better life.
Belive me, that's is all that
matters in the end.

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Please take all the time you need.
Losing a pet, even in the first few days, is hard, seeing that being die next to you is one of the worst things I can remember.
It will get better with time but it will always be a weird feeling.

The only advice I can give is to live through the next few weeks and then look for another pet.
Not as a replacement, because it never will be, but as a new companion to help with the feelings.

Look at the file's name.

The first 8 numbers are literally the date it was created in the YYYY.MM.DD format.

look in the discord server

Since there is no exact information on either the hunting method nor the size of the gathered bones, it wouldn’t be strange for small pray like rabbits to be taken home before disassembling. 

That the hunting knife gives a bonus to hunting but bow don’t also support, that the hunting is based on traps and targets smaller pray.

And yes, I am aware that it might be simply a decision in the game design or a problem with the system.


As for the mana and live shards, I’m not sure, what they are (I might have missed or forgot an explanation). But since I found them after fight or in tressures, I assumed they are some kind of “organic” material forming inside of living creatures at some conditions.

Well, it is a nice Idea, but thinking it a bit further, it would make sense that hunting also gives bones.

For the mining: even if there is only one specific location for mining one material, there would always be a very small chance to get a better material than the one you’re looking for. As an example: When mining stone, there will also be a chance to find an iron-ore, jewels, or obsidian (even mithril or adamantium would be possible with like a 0.001‰  drop rate).

Please prioritize your own health and get well soon. Eat well, sleep well and take a few more days of rest.

I know that feeling of exhaustion and general discomfort after a stay at a hospital and hope you get back to normal soon and don't need three weeks like I did a few years ago.