As I told Federx, I'll see if I can find a way to add in the ability to skip cutscenes; to be real with you all, I long for that feature too. I'll see about adding in a windowed option as well since other players have brought up the same suggestion. The menus, in general, are pretty incomplete: in the "Extras" menu, I want to add in the tutorial that was featured in previous sections since it has a character who is very important to the plot.
The vibes you described are the vibes I'm going for, since movies like The Dark Crystal, Legend (with the Tangerine Dreams soundtrack), Wizards, and both the film and novel versions of The Neverending Story are some of my favorite works. Now, as for the voice acting, it was almost all done by me with the built-in mic on my Mac; my friends' voice acting (who do Fygoon's friends Ratatosky and Lux) were all done on their iPhones. The only computer voices were used for Siansi Klez, which makes sense since he's a robotic character, and the two girl characters Vicereine Iris and Elsara the Weaver because I can't do a girl voice. I never use AI in my artistic works because I consider it an affront to human creativity.
Now, as for the pause button and weapon selection issues (both number keys and scroll wheel), I have had no such issue on my installs but that is not an excuse. Please tell me more about these issues so I can fix it.