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A member registered May 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed the game. The reason why the levels are, admittedly, empty is due to slowdown; the areas become much less bland as the game continues. Also happy that you enjoy Fygoon being such a terrible person, as that's exactly what I was going for.

Feel free to steal the idea of making a manual for your own game; I like having some small literature to read that isn't a shampoo bottle which is why I made a manual for my game.

I'll see about modifying how health and fire orbs are dropped and I'll make the fall damage more forgiving. I only added in the fall damage thing to disincentivize players from leaping into areas in which they cannot navigate back to.

The shitposting is non-negotiable.

Thanks, bro.

I'll keep you updated when the next update drops. :^)

Thanks for playing my game and leaving feedback, dude, I appreciate any feedback I can get.

So, yeah, the blue thing is, in fact, a shield known as the Energy Buckler. In the tutorial (which I omitted due to it being incomplete), the Minister states to "right click to block".  The tutorial will return and I'll add a part in the manual explaining the Energy Buckler in more detail like with the weapons.

I have recently rebalanced the enemies in the Iron Ghetto to spawn less fire and health orbs because many people have alerted me to the fact that the game became too easy as a consequence; as a result, they now spawn less orbs. Strangely, most of the later enemies are very stingy with their health and fire orbs, and only in the Iron Ghetto are the enemies very generous.

The AI for Brutus Canor, the boss of the area, has been updated since Demo Day to be less...bad. I cured the Viceroy of his epilepsy and he no longer spazzes out after attacking, but I will see about fixing this snapping issue. Canor is difficult, but when compared to the other bosses, especially the final boss, he's about as lethal as a puppy.

I'll see about changing the interaction radius for the lamps such that, once players interacts with them, they can immediately switch stances and activate them.

I have it set for sometime around December, as cutscene creation, voice acting (Gotta get my buddies to voice the protagonist's buddies), bug fixes, and general quality-of-life improvements are all that's needed at this point. Besides, it's the year of the dragon and I'll be damned if I don't release this game in this momentous timeframe.

Again, I  appreciate you for playing my game and leaving feedback. The next update will include the completed Iron Ghetto, as some parts have been omitted due to time constraints (such as the Quest from Belinda the Ageless One and the full cutscenes for Brutus Canor).

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If you have already collected the Fire-Breath Technique scroll, then it will not appear again as it is already a part of your inventory. If this is not the case, then it was most likely a programming error.

Edit: It is a programming error. I'll fix this and unleash a new update.

Hey dude, I appreciate you playing my game and taking time to write out your thoughts and, more importantly, constructive criticisms. Here are some notes on what you have said:

  • Setting lamps on fire is done with the any fire-based attacks (Fire-Breath or Fire-Spit): since you should find the Fire-Breath Technique scroll before the lamps, activate the ability by pressing [2]
  • I'll look into the cutscene error for the "door is closed' cutscene and include a feature to skip cutscenes (I've been wanting to include that feature anyways); what button would you recommend I use for cutscene skipping: "Enter" or "Escape"?
  • During the time I have written this reply, I have updated how many orbs are dropped by enemies and will roll out this update when the other things are complete; I have no idea why I haven't done this yet because enemies in the later sections do not drop as many orbs as the ones in the first level
  • I'll see what I can do on adding a simple settings portion in the pause menu; it shouldn't be anything too difficult

Again, I thank you for playing my game and leaving a comment, and I will have the issues you have found rectified as soon as possible.

I have uploaded a new build that rectifies two major issues: the missing title screen and the bug that instantiates Fygoon with no health. Try this new build and let me know if any further issues arise.

Working on an updated build now; I would have posted it yesterday but, since I am now working on a new operating system, I need to resolve an error that causes the Linux compilation to fail. I'll keep you posted when it is complete.

I like it. It's strange, but I like it.

Decided to try the game out because of the screenshots and I really like the alpha of this game. It reminds me of Marathon, one of my favorite first-person shooters, especially with the Pfhor-like alien raiders, the terminals with lore, the health recharging stations, and the futuristic revolver. I recommend slowing down the speed of the shielded alien raiders because they move a little too fast for the first enemies encountered.

Absolutely rad game, would play on my PowerPC Mac, 5/5 stars. Keep up the good work.

I appreciate the comment. As I have written on a different comment, I will add more checkpoints soon since the method I have can accommodate multiple checkpoints and the levels will be made less visually boring.

Thanks for taking a look at my game, I really appreciate it.

That’s interesting. The mode switching is supposed to be activated with the [E] key, but, as I took a look with my own personal build, it can indeed be activated with the [L] key as well; I must’ve sloppily added that as a failsafe key. Platforming, for the most part, isn’t all too terribly affected if a player is stuck in combat mode, with only speaking to friendly characters being an Exploration Mode exclusive action. Don’t worry, I’ll add the ability to change key bindings soon enough.

At the moment, checkpoints can only be found just before a boss (or during the Jet Sled section in the Tri-Peak Mountains). Many people have asked me to add more checkpoints and I will do so soon since the checkpoint system I have implemented can support multiple checkpoints.

Yeah, fire-breathing is crazy. Good thing some enemies come with fireproof suits. But in all seriousness, I should be able to fix it since it’ll just be changing the health of enemies from an integer to a floating-point integer to better implement the fire resistance modifier.

Thanks for checking out my game.

As much as I would love dedicate years just to polish my game, I went into this project with the mindset that this was more so a test to see if I can actually sit down and make a full game within a year. My last project, Impulsehazard, took three years of on-and-off work to make and it does not show; as I went into this project, I knew I had to set a deadline or else it’ll be another game with wasted potential (like most of my catalog). Nevertheless, I’ll do what I can to polish and refine The Frydarian Tale before the year is done. The two continuations will definitely be more ambitious, now that I know what I’m doing: for instance, you’ll actually be able to interact with and command the computer-controlled characters instead of them just going off and doing whatever they feel like and you’ll be able to actually fly (Fygoon is just a fledgling, at the moment, but we’ll make sure the next game doesn’t release until he can fly and glide).

Thank you for playing my game, it means a bunch to me.

Ok I have rolled out an update fixing the error and credited you finding it. From what I discovered, it was a consequence of a bug where if an enemy was destroyed, the code required to continue the cutscene would fail to complete. I also found this same bug in another area later in the game and fixed that error as well.

Appreciate you looking out.

I will definitely update the levels to make them less boring; previous players have said that the levels were confusing and, while intentionally maze-like, they could use more character. I’ll get this done once the skeleton is complete.

Also thanks a bunch for enlightening me to the cutscene issue; from the screenshot you provided, it’s most likely an issue with the UI not resetting properly and, as a result, not returning control to the player. Expect a patch to be rolled out in the early evening today.

Thank you for playing my game and giving feedback, I really appreciate it.

After yapping about playing this game, I decided to take a look and I am really digging this game. I encountered a few issues on the web version: sometimes, the critters' life counter would go into the negatives and on some occasions in which I want to rotate the critter it arbitrarily doesn't rotate them. Additionally, the score counter would not update as the game progressed and only shows the score once the game ends.

I like the aesthetic you have for the critters and I hope all of the placeholder 2D sprites get replaced with more of your weirdly charming models.

Overall, I like it. Keep at it, dude.

Thanks for trying my game and providing some feedback; it really does help. As for the problems you found:

  • The fall damage method was cobbled together in a sleep deprived stupor and I assume I never tested such a case; from what it sounds like it could be similar to a recently fixed bug and should be an easy fix
  • I’ll see if I can increase the brightness in the Iron Hundwerks
  • Many testers did say that they got lost in that specific section, but I never really got around to adding any sort of unique identifier for each room; rest assured that I’ll do some research on what iron mills look like so I can implement some way to ensure people don’t get lost
  • I’m also planning on adding a mini-map to the game (or just a map in general) but I want it to be stylized so it may be some time before it’s implemented

Again, I really appreciate the feedback and will implement these things as soon as possible.

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Hell yeah! I'll update your name in the manual's credits. As for the issues:

  • I'll look into adding in a general main menu so the player can do different things (play game, settings, quit, etc.); until I settle on a cool design, it'll just be a simple menu
  • I'll find a way to stop the enemies from doing anything when in a cutscene (moving, attacking, etc.)
  • I noticed a similar problem when testing my game on a faster computer as you did with the fire breath; that should be an easy fix on my part
  • I like the name Iron Houndwerks, but I think the Iron Ghetto is more representative of the entire location as a whole (and a respite for those alien people who hate the incessant use of portmanteaus); Houndwerks could be the name of the unnamed Ironworks section though and I would hate to let such a cool name go to waste
  • Use the fire-breath to activate the power lamp; after that, enter exploration mode and position Fygoon towards the platform you want to jump to; turn the camera so it faces Fygoon head-on, then jump; continue until you reach the fire bonus (on a sidenote, I originally wanted there to be a movable crate but I couldn't get the logic done in time for the initial release of the demo back in November and, frankly, I now find the little platforming section to be fun)

P.S., I'll also add in a few other things too, such as:

  • A save system (If there's going to be a menu, there has to be a save system, you know?)
  • With the save system there'll be a little blurb on what occurred before your last save and what you're up to when you load up the game
  • Actual voice acting (and not the lame TTS placeholder voices)

This is a super neat game. I like how the explosion sound increases in volume as the player's missile strikes closer to the center of the opponent's base.

5/5. Would play again.