Hi there! :D I've got the Full Source version, and I was wondering if there could be any way to have some words in bold or italic. Thanks in any case :'D
Viewing post in BWG Narrative Text Plugin for RPG Maker MZ comments
Thanks for buying~
Currently formatting is not supported. The issue is that the text is rerendered on a char-by-char basis, which would cause boldening with \*this\* into "\*th" haflway through, losing the connection. As it's currently coded it wouldn't be possible.
THAT BEING SAID: I can try to add "format cursive" and "format bold" formatting options to addText as a whole - rendering a whole message with formatting.
You could have single words formatted that way with clever autoAdvance setups. Is this something you wanna try out? If yes, I'll try to add that feature for you. No promises, though~
if you want to try your hand yourself at it (as you bought the full source), you can look into the Window_Narrative.prototype.refresh function.
There, you should see a "changetextcolor" function. if you at that point add another if or two to check for "i wanna embolden/cursive", it should work.