Hi there! :D I've got the Full Source version, and I was wondering if there could be any way to have some words in bold or italic. Thanks in any case :'D
Recent community posts
Ah, sorry! If anyone is having this issue there is a disclaimer about using rmmz-mainfont for MZ in this forum thread: https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/taa_bookmenu-v1-6-7.127880/
Hi Sang! Thanks for all the great plugins!
For some reason for me the keyboard movement is still bind to the arrows. Same with all the keyboard buttons it seems, the overrides don't have effect. Tested it in playtest and a deployed project with no other plugins... but maybe I'm doing something wrong ^^
Hi Sang! Thanks for all the great plugins!
For some reason for me the keyboard movement is still bind to the arrows. Same with all the keyboard buttons it seems, the overrides don't have effect. Tested it in playtest and a deployed project with no other plugins... but maybe I'm doing something wrong ^^u
It's working!
Steam seems to be related. I tested the new version with a deployed project (Steam closed) and the overriding works perfectly. Also with the new version, in playtesting mode now the gamepad behaves just as if the puglin were disabled for me (No longer the advance dialogue button changes from A to Start)
Thanks reflector88!
Hi! I also recently tested this plugin, mostly to set the 'i' key to open the inventory. However, I also noticed that it affects gamepad behavior (tested with an Xbox Series controller), disabling the A, B, X, and Y buttons, as you mentioned, even when you remove the gamepad buttons in the plugin's parameters. Also I noticed that the button for advancing dialogue changes from A to Start with the plugin.