So I'm just going to rate every category with some comments to it.
Gameplay: It was pretty fun the first minutes to get to the food. After some while, though, this became a bit repetitive. Maybe some more environmental difficulties that would make it harder to get to the food would have been cool (maybe a bigger map after some time too, then?)
Art: Cute art style, cool effects behind the fish, overall a good atmosphere
Sound: There was not a lot of sound, but that's because you couldn't really add a lot here, lol. The implemented sounds were good, and the background "music" was setting a good atmosphere.
Innovation: Cool concept; again, with more level design, this could be a really good game.
Theme: The game definitely has "loop" in it, but how does the fish "break the loop"? Maybe I don't understand it too. :p
Besides the critic, it's a solid game and very polished!