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A member registered May 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Glad that you enjoyed it!

Sad to hear that haha. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Thanks for playing!

I think the game was pretty fun, the art style is also pretty cool. I just think that it is sometimes hard to dodge enemies because they're spawning above you too. Overall one of the better games of this jam!

The gameplay is pretty simple but the game is overall pretty fair. I just think the game needed a better approach at the theme "microscopical magic". Also the art is nothing too crazy. Tipp for your next game with unity: use TextmeshPro for making text in your game. Otherwise the default text can look very blurry. If this is your first game, I think it's cool!

I played it all to to end so I will give u my honest review. It's one of the better games of this jam. I like the gameplay and overall look of the game. But there were things that I didn't like. Sound effects would've made the game much better. Also I can't see enemies behind the map. At one point I couldn't attack after i left a room and interesting weapons could've made this game a lot juicier. But with a these things, I still think this is a nice, short game!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Cool game, reminds me of world box. Pretty simple but effective art. I’ve encountered some small bugs but it was overall a cool experience! Would’ve loved if there would be more content, it was very short(considering the time you actually had, I thinks it’s a pretty solid game).

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

The art is pretty simple, altough the magical creatures look pretty cool. The take on the theme is nothing too crazy, but it's there, same with the sound design. The game design is nothing crazy too, but it works! I always been a friend of tower defense games and I like to see such games in game jams! Overall it's a good game.

I really like the concept and the art. At the start it was a bit confusing of what you should do, but I figured it out. The main problem is, that the game doesn't fit the theme that well really. The level design was also pretty good, good job overall!

Thank you! Yea, i'm not very good at art. It was really hard to find a good zoom value, considering the late game where  bullets(and enemies) fly from all over the place!

I see, there you had to push the yellow ones that were already there into the field with the other leafs(oranges) that were falling from the sky. Or did the oranges also have not spawned?

Very good art, a cool setting, but would love to have some gameplay. I think you could do a lot with story and gameplay in this setting :)

Very decent game, but a warning for the falling nuts would be nice

Very short game, but good art 

Thank you for the feedback!

Cool conept, sometimes the items didnt work correctly but overall pretty solid

Cool art, but a little to short

Love the art style, reminded me of overcooked, very cool

Pretty chill, nice

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And your not able to select anything? Leafs? The Player? So I tried it on Firefox and still dont got the problem, hmm

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Hmm, that's weird, did a restart with R work?

On what platform and what did you do before to get the bug? Everything works fine for me in WebGL and Windows

The bar over the player is the dash cooldown :) Thanks for playing it!

A cool idea, but had some bugs through my runs :) But fun gameplay!

Very fun game! Had a good time with it, good art sytle, good music and simpleness? made the game very fun!

Thanks for playing :D

Thanks for playing!

Thank you :)

Thanks for playing :)

Very fun game! Sound and feedback would be cool(if player or enemy get hit), had fun with it :)

Cool conecpt and vibe! Maybe some feedback would be cool if the player and enemy gets hit :)

Very fun game and feel really polished! Nice Job!