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(2 edits) (+1)

The first few levels were a lot of fun, and I really loved the gliding mechanic. The purple level in darkness was pretty tough, but the yellow temple place... It's evil. That level... it's frustrating. The double hallway of retracting spikes at the start force you to wait fifteen odd seconds between runs. Then the level repeats that setup again later with more tightly timed variations, which still aren't fun. And then when you get through that, there's a crazy fast worm that I simply cannot pass alive. Difficulty can be fun, but this is grinding, it's repetetive and relentless, the challenges are *mostly* arbitrary (essentially just waiting) but if you mess up, you're thrown all the way back to the start. Then just to tease you, I'm pretty sure that the second health pickup in that level is impossible to get without taking damage.

Needless to say, I'm pretty salty. With that level, I'd recommend removing the repetitions of the obstacles. Each little challenge would be repeated a few times, meaning you needed to clear it not just once, but multiple times. For example, there was a part where you had to go down, then up and back down again. On the way up, you repeated the exact same jump five or six times, then on the way down was a challenge that was copy-pasted a few times. If you want to make it hard, at least vary the challenges to keep it fresh (and preferably avoid cycle based things like the first double set of spike hallways that you need to slowly advance through). The whole waiting thing at the start of the level hurts the soul, and I often relied on damage boosting to just get the wait over and done with. 

Despite all of that, I did enjoy the first few levels. The levels were long, but the challenge was absolutely possible, and even with a few retries the levels were fun. There is a lot of good content here, I particularly love the graphics, and the mechanics are all very polished. I was impressed by the variety of the levels, with the different themes and obstacles. I wasn't exactly sure why the glide needed a timer, since I never found myself gliding for that long. Overall, the game was great, and if you were making a rage game, you certainly succeeded. The final level definitely has me salty, so that is at least part of the reason the review started off so negative (sorry bout that). Congrats on completing such a beautiful game, I love the character art and environments!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, the salt has subsided a bit, and looking over other comments, perhaps I was being a bit unfair. This was my experience tho, and my suggestions still stand, that level really just sapped the life out of me. The first few levels were genuinely fun, and I liked the pacing of it all, it felt fast, and it was fun to try and glide as little as possible and speed downwards. Overall, the game felt fair, the temple was the only level that felt unreasonable. Hopefully this feedback helps, even if I was a bit salty whilst writing it

Please do not worry pal. I feel ya, and as I mentioned below many many times I deserve all the criticism that comes with the last level. It was rushed, it was unfinished and was done in last hours of the jam. Add the buggy spike collider that slipped through and we have something that I intended to be hard, but fair and fun, to something hard, unfair and in the end result not fun. Also as I mentioned before, we will update game as soon as voting will be finished so I really hope you give it a try then, and play the game we always intended to make :P And I love all form of feedback, good, bad, salty or not I appreciate all of it and I can assure it not goes to waste, as we thrive to make better experiences each time. I'm super happy you liked early stuff we done with the game, as honestly I think your game is my favorite one out of all games I played this jam.