So, in a way I feel mad respect for this, I feel it for games that are system heavy and try to be like other imsim games, been there myself trying for a while.
But at the same time, this just seems a wrong foundation to make a game on, lemme explain.
First of all, the game starts in third person when clearly is meant to be played in first person, the third person doesn't add anything of value to it so you are better off focusing on one of the two and polishing that one good instead of having two bad ones.
Second, I see you falling in a lot of mistakes that I also fell into at the start of my game (which barely qualifies as a prototype and fails at basic stuff), I see you trying to make a simulation out of everything: aiming has delay and feels physics based, you see through a weird canon thing in the scope, enemies probably have detailed behaviours that most people will fail to see and I don't think that's the good thing about imsims. You probably play it and feel proud of what you've done, which is nice, but for other people to play it you have to find the sweetspot between simulation and game so it retains whats interesting about the sim part of it while being comfortable to play.
Also you seem to be, you know, amateur at this, game is janky, things are not well told to the played, you are probably not an ace at coding and are learning stuff as you go, which can be fine if that's your purpose but if you really want to make a good game for people to enjoy I think you should consider if you are using the right tools. I don't care about enginewars, use source for all I care, but from experience I'll tell you that UE4 is way easier for dumbfucks like you and me, specially if the game is heavily systems driven, it's really easy to make a blueprint talk to another, there are great AI tuts out there and adding juice without making it obnoxious is really easy too and you don't need a CS degree.
My advice is, play more games, see what they get right that you don't, and get good at devving, you'll eventually make good game I think.