Thanks for playing and for the detailed post, my dude. Lemme address a few things and clear a few misconceptions.
>First of all, the game starts in third person when clearly is meant to be played in first person
Yeah, that was a mistake. We decided to have the player have FPS view as standard with an option to use third person if they wish. Don't worry, writing that camera code took me a a few hours or so back when this was a Ludum Dare project with a very different concept so I'm aware of its shortcomings. And I know people use the TP camera for jumping and sneakan so it will stay.
>I see you trying to make a simulation out of everything
eeeh, just like other imsims, this is often smoke and mirrors. Glad that it gives that impression, even if it's a negative one. Maybe one day it will be stim/response but no.
>aiming has delay and feels physics based,
The delay isn't intentional when scoped in. Thanks for pointing that out. Overall, the aiming/scoping in needs to be redone in my opinion, as is recoil, because it's too simple now, again done back for LD and never really updated. And I'm glad that 'bullet' particle hides the simple raycast and gives the illusion of us using actual physics.
>enemies probably have detailed behaviours that most people will fail to see
The AI is dumb as a rock, in fact. I'm not proud of it at all and will re-write, especially given the critisicm about their reaction time, lack of 'alerted' state etc.
>Also you seem to be, you know, amateur at this
That's absolutely true, I am a poster on the amateur game development general after all. It's a hobby. This started as a LD project and was perfected later over the course of 2 months in our spare time. So jank is you know, time constraints. If anything, give us specific things you find the jankiest and we can focus more on polishing them.
>if you really want to make a good game for people to enjoy
Very good point, this is why we're taking constructive criticism regarding things like camera behaviour, character movement, inventory, dialog and the tutorial very seriously, from people who were masochistic enough to enjoy the game. We do intend to sell it at some point, but we're aware that it's a niche and that we need polish (pun intended).
> I don't care about enginewars, use source for all I care, but from experience I'll tell you that UE4 is way easier for dumbfucks like you and me
My CS graduate friends really strongly discouraged me from using blueprints and recommended learning C++. Just like buying assets, I won't sink to certain lows and will I refuse to use blueprints. I'm stuck with my yandev-tier spaghetti code in Unity's C#.
>My advice is, play more games,
Sorry, no time. All our spare time is spent on getting good at devving. All we've got are nostalgia goggles for old titles.
Again, thank you for the lengthy post, I know it's coming from a place of concern and I greatly appreciate it, but don't worry. We're all gonna make it.