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I'll check these issues.
@Metrux Are you using the newest version? Going to the bathhouse in Aldlyn might solve the problem, as your group gets removed when you enter and added again when you leave.
@Dark Kaplah Unless you turned it off, the game makes auto-saves every 2,5 mins alternating between save slot 19 and 20. Check if maybe one of these saved shortly before you had the issue.

Yes, I am using the newest version, I did use the bath house to get the rest of my team back. But Sandra didn't come with them. Right now I can't progress because I need her for some quests, and I don't want to advance the main storyline until I have her. I did try using the bath house again, afterwards, but she still won't come back.

Can you post your save file? Then I can take a loot at it and put Sandra back into your group.

(1 edit)

Ahm... I'm not very used to, how do I copy a file into this post?
Sorry ^^'

You can send it via vail at with a short message about what problem you have and what you want me to fix.

Yea I noticed that.  I played too long after noticing the bug assuming you had a story reason for this.

Hi, i am enjoying your game.!!!

I run into the same issue, and got my group back when i went to the bath house. However, Sandra is missing. even in the CG room. What should i do?  thank you   

Try the prison, people are saying they are finding her there after she goes missing. Hope that helps!