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A member registered Apr 27, 2019

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So, uhh... It seems that after the tutorial you can't visit anywhere besides ai's house? And it doesn't change after you do the musem. Is it a bug or am I missing something?

Thanks a lot ^^

So, is there another way than mega to download the game? I really don't want to pay for mega just to get this game...

So, I was kinda confused when I saw this post, cuz it was never trully hard to pay off the bank for me... But I see you play very differently. So I'll just explain a bit of what I do.

To start with, I get a MC with good magic and socials, the first char is focused on phys, but I choose the mage guild. This way both can heal, and it's really not hard to pivot her into more tanky classes, while the MC get's the initial mage equipment. The first few days are simple: you use your skills to build loyalty while both fish, and get started on the quests that you can. Really, don't worry about the quests that much, do the ones you can, and start clearing the easy and closeby dungeons. As said before, you should get the Life Power, and if you have a bad fight or just insecure, go back and heal. Which also means, you shouldn't waste your daily sex at start, use it to heal, the heal spell is only for mid fight, IF someone can die, cuz you waste battle time, that can be used to take less damage.

Finally, don't waste money. Really, you don't need to buy anything, unless it'll save you time for a quest, or you are already some 2k above what you'll need. Money is the least important thing in the game, but the first and second payments can be harsh, so don't use it at all. You can get equipment from dungeons, always enslave the bosses, and then sell them. Anything you get that isn't resource and you don't have immediate use, sell. Yes, it might be really good, but really good is easy to get later on.

Daisy is good, you can get her as soon as day 3, though I don't know what makes her appear, and you need the gold for it. She is weak at start, but even wihtout better attributes you can just put her in the back row for extra damage, and then easily turn her into bard. Believe it, bard is GREAT, I mostly use it to attack faster, but it can help with damage and defense too. Also, it's useful to have someone doing upgrades or mining the completed dungeon while others go fighting, and you won't keep the initial enslaved ones unless they're incredibly good. The completed dungeons resources are recovered faster, so abuse it, it usually takes less time to clear a dungeon, mine it and recuperate, than to go to another town and mine the same amount.

So, I follow loosely those lines, and have never had a problem with the payments, most of the time I wait longer and pay more to make sure my characters are ready, and that I can comfortably get all 4 approvals, even with bad quests.

C'mon man, don't worry... It get's worse.

Basically, your girl or boy getting it on with another. You being cheated on. It's... Not good. Not good at all.

It seems your game has a fatal bug just at the intro, when tinker bell says "Until one day" while showing the world on sale. No matter which machine or version of the game I try, it crashes there, needing me to manually close the program through the task manager. I don't know what else to do, since I remember months ago being able to play the game, it was cool, but now it's just several minutes of pc freezing every time.

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Ahm... I'm not very used to, how do I copy a file into this post?
Sorry ^^'

Yes, I am using the newest version, I did use the bath house to get the rest of my team back. But Sandra didn't come with them. Right now I can't progress because I need her for some quests, and I don't want to advance the main storyline until I have her. I did try using the bath house again, afterwards, but she still won't come back.

So, I was in the middle of doing some quests in Begus when I decided to go back to the thief hideout, opening the menu I noticed I had only Ryen on my party, strange, so I tried going to the hideout with the item, but it said I couldn't use it at the time. I went there on foot, thinking it was something of the quest, a part of it. I completed it, then couldn't leave the hideout, the same message was shown for any teleporting item. I saved, left, and came back, then the items worked... But I was still only by myself. I searched for an event that had the party away and then back, finding the bath house, and thought it was all nice... Until some minutes later when I noticed Sandra was missing. Nothing I've done so far can get her back, I still have affection with her, the place where we first find her is still completed, I just have no idea. I don't use her in my fighting much, but it's still annoing and saddening that she just disappeared.

Oh no, I don't doubt it, but you've missed my point ^^ The godot engine has been updated, but the game hasn't been updated to the godot 3.1, so we still can't play it, if we couldn't with the 3.0. My question was really only about when can we expect this update?

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So, it seems godot 3.1 has already been put out to download, only the linux version is still pending, so as an old player that can't play since the software upgrade, I was wondering when the new update to 3.1 will be, so I can come back to playing this really great game?