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Unfortunately bugs screwed over much of my attempts to play this: the intro scroll was off-centre and thus impossible to read and when you die it softlocks the game.

I assume that when you jump on an enemy, they die? It could really use some feedback on that, like a sound-effect or something.

Jumping into a wall causes the player to stick in place. Whilst this might be useful for a walljump ability it makes actually jumping onto platforms hell; if you're even slightly short, you're buggered. It would be better if it just slowed your fall rate instead.

Thanks for the feedback! I don't quite know what you mean by the text being off center, it's supposed to be scrolling on the wall in the background; but maybe I should have just made a dedicated scene instead. Sound effects or causing a force upwards on the player would probably help a lot with the feel of the game! That might be the first thing I try and fix, I think I was a bit blind to that bit of feedback so I really appreciate bringing my attention to that. As for the platforms, I'll mess with it a bit, I haven't played too many platformers (one reason I wanted to do this jam) and another game made me think that making all of the platforms accessible from the bottom would be a huge improvement. Maybe I will just mess with the friction of them instead, I'll find that out with experimenting. Thanks again!