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Hey your futa idea wouldn't be bad idea for this game but...

I think King have one son and one son cursed even crazier would be cooler.

It could go both ways like King surviving and bad nobility cursing only living heir as female only way for nobility thrive and have heir would be blind sex.

Problem with female heir is that its already checkmate at that point if King is dead and prince is dead then another wannabe or other king could come and kill everyone under presumption peace was made. That why most princesses are married off so there are no loose ends. 

The game was bit boring because you can only do 2 things and and all thing How does one learn skills during day, there should be means have more skills learned during day. Were forgetting not all skills aren't done same hour time. For twelve hours you assuming king would have time for one thing that is sword training, normally that is incorrect dueling/ way of sword or smith weapons would been better for future king to be learned. 

Twelve hours more there too many questions, meeting with dignities would taken 3 hours. what time left walk around castle. Exercise, followed by Learning still be man of many skilled.  2 things, its not 2 only he be doing I would think it most likely be 8 things. Its your game,  I can't brand your idea of making seem like he was man who easy to be killed. Some kings were great back in day. 

At some point I’ll create a futa character but I have not come up with anything yet.

Let me see if I got that clear. The curse would make them into a girl? 

I do have other mechanics planned thankfully, so hopefully it’s not as boring in the future.

For learning skills I was thinking that some characters would be experts who raise skills more quickly.  But even something like investing in facilities could be maybe done.

For the time since I divided the day in three I see it as 4 hours of training, multiplied by seven days of the week. I thought that would be a good amount of time due to the ten thousand hour rule and all that to become proficient. l feel like choosing eight skills every time might get boring even more quickly as well. As for sword training I see it as a way of becoming a type of king, not necessary if you don’t want to.

Right now the death scenes are immediate, but eventually I just want them to increase a percentage of likelihood of death. I think that would be more interesting so you’re right. 

Thanks for the feedback.