Glad you enjoyed it.
You can hold right mouse button over things in the game to get a short description. Some more documentation (EDIT: applies to the original 7drl version of the game):
♠ absorb surroundings (enemies/terrain/items), +1 hp per enemy
♥ +3 hp, (if at max hp overheal 1)
☺+3 xp
▲ move up 4, ignores middle tiles, kills enemies moved onto
$ swap with highest
: create rows of chasms below
+ clears and damages row and column
♦ create diamond of fire (all spaces 2 steps from you)
◘ gives you effect [if not attacking take no damage]
! gives you effect [ignore chasm and fire]
_ gives enemies effect [cannot move (but can attack)]
% gives enemies effect [mirrors your moves]
A has 3 max hp
D can move diagonally
J splits after damage
M deals 2 damage
T teleports diagonal from you
V attack gives effect [damage/healing doubled]
X attack causes -1 level and -2 xp
F starts with effect [creates fire, ignores fire]
L starts with effect [levitates over chasms]
W starts with effect [teleports to wall, creates block of walls]
║α max enemies spawning at once = 4 (normally 9)
║Æ time between enemy spawns = 15 (normally 11)
▲▲ extra turn for every 10 distance
}▓ attack negates status effects
}↨ attacks in same direction after moving
☼♥ extra life (reset to max hp after death)
_☺ enemies left offscreen die (give xp)
8¿ increase inventory size to 8 and fills
║☺ xp gain/loss doubled
☼☺ level up 5 times
&¿ all scrolls have 2 effects
%Æ enemy death -> +5 until next enemy spawn
%♥ enemy death -> +1 hp
¿Æ read scroll -> +5 until next enemy spawn
¿♥ read scroll -> +1 hp
. empty space
# blocks movement
^ causes 1 damage
: fall for 2 damage
> descend to next depth
The game page gives more general game information.