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Pretty fun! The destruction mechanics are really interesting, and it follows the theme pretty well. However ,I felt the pickaxe invalidated the other tools, as it was suffiicient to get all keys. Maybe that changes on later levels though. 

 The graphics aren't bad, but there is a inconsistency of styles between the gate, with it's gradient shadows, the terrain, which isn't shaded at all and the fog in the backgroud that is too detailed. 

The music was mysterious and fit the atmosphere, but is really repetitive.

Overall it's a nice game, unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get past the second level, I got stuck on how to return to the gate after getting the keys to the left. The only thing that I really didn't like is how you need to make "leaps of faith" some times to get to certain platforms. In my opinion, it's very important to always know where you're jumping at in a platformer. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review! I hadn't considered the pickaxe that way, since it's definitely the most tedious tool. I guess that's a balance to consider.

The inconsistency of graphics styles is because different people were working on different things (I worked on the terrain, and a different person worked on the gate and the fog). Next time we'll make sure to maintain a consistent style, possibly by having only one person do the artwork.

Sorry you had trouble with the level. I don't think of any of us have written a platformer before, so we're still new to level design and thus the levels aren't perfect. In addition, we were planning to implement procedural level generation but ran out of time, so we didn't spend as much time on hardcoding levels as a team that was planning to hardcode levels from the beginning would have.

Glad you were able to enjoy the game despite its shortcomings, and we'll definitely keep your feedback in mind for future games. (We might even use these reviews to make improvements after the voting period and share the updated version.)