The jars aren’t implemented as of 8.1, though are part of what is releasing in v.09.
Lactation continues indefinitely like in vanilla. You can trigger it to have a chance to stop by changing the settings in to “lactationstops = true”.
All of that is because the code is not finished yet. You are using a mod in alpha on an alpha version of a game. It supposed to come in the next release with the farms revamp, so you just will have to wait and ignore the bottles of piss.
Just and advice for Aric: People is gonna get confused if they see things that are not finished, I'd comment those parts of code so they doo not get notices about things unifnished, or just a red warning about it having not been inished (as the Jail conversation warning for example). Otherwise the mod is amazing. Btw I implemented code so that custom npc (Cali, emily, etc..) Get their sprite changed whenever you undress them or not following yiur code on the matter. Also I completed it so you can force to strip them (It was unfinished and only needed a few conditions and completing the dialogue. Do you want the code?
This is the code, you have to copy&paste it in whenever it says "if nakedspritesdict.has(person.unique):". I did it a few days ago and my memory suck so if it does not work tell me and I'll look if I needed to change more code, but I think that's it.
if nakedspritesdict.has(person.unique): if person.consent:
sprite = [[nakedspritesdict[person.unique].clothcons, 'pos1']] else:
sprite = [[nakedspritesdict[person.unique].clothrape, 'pos1']]
if nakedspritesdict.has(person.unique) && ( == true && == true || == true && == true || == true && == true):
if person.consent:
sprite = [[nakedspritesdict[person.unique].cons, 'pos1']]
sprite = [[nakedspritesdict[person.unique].rape, 'pos1']]
Well np here's the files:!PktHgbzJ!INRAOz7XhcKncZHjZNpgQlXyGorhSrIzaFS-oObENI4 The code is not difficult to find :)
Edit: I deleted that code that was filling the thread. For god's sake how can you add a spoiler here haha