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I've published several games on Steam and Itch in the past, but honestly my skills as a programmer are enough to get me by, but I'm a Project Manager / Producer as my day job.  I'm a pretty good designer as well...  Not sure I need a team for this game jam or not, but figured I'd see if anyone was interested.  I have made a few VR prototypes in the past, and I'd love an excuse to build something for human eyes over the first week of may.  My only real hang up is that I still work fulltime, but it's remote (due to the pandemic) that still limits my ability to contribute as I will be working from 8am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri.  Soooo I'm not sure who would want to work with me.  I also just turned 38 years old, so I can't push myself like I did in my 20s and pound energy drinks programming and building 3 days and then crashing for 12 hours only to do it again...  XD

My published games include From Beyond: Prologue (Steam, Itch, HB), Dungeons the Eye of Draconus (Steam/Itch/HB), and Kobold's Quest (Xbox 360).

I'm in the same boat as you regarding job and time.  Also, I'm 42.  :)  I have done many small projects with Unity, but all mostly like tech demos.  I've done a vr game for the global game jam the past 2 years, and I did this jam last year, but we were too ambitious and didn't get to submit. 

I'm interested in someone else leading and I can just code or possibly make assets if voxel art is needed.    I also have an artist friend who can work in  blender or voxel art as well.   

are you based in EU? I’m at the same life stage so thinking of teaming up with anyone in similar circumstances.