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I liked where this was going, though found the controls to be really hard. it felt like I was not moving when I should've been. I don't know if I even registered a score as the goal for the game wasn't really that clear and given the wacky controls I had to move on before I could finish a level. I loved how the game opened up from the name input screen though, well done there!

Thank you! I intend to add a tutorial after the jam concludes, but just to clarify:

The wind actively pushes you in the opposite horizontal direction

At the end of each round, a green smiley or red frowny face will appear on screen to show if you won or lost

According to my server logs, either you didn't win or were offline

I wish I could have put the same level of polish that I did on the first scenes on the actual game. That is my single biggest regret. Just one more day would have made the difference, I imagine.