Consolidated plus hard theme?
Yeona ansetla ofgaeð frið in his hyrste
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I know this might be a silly request but if you still have the project files I'd be really thankful if you could make a mac export download available! Defold makes it really easy and you wouldn't need to do any additional steps or add anything besides clicking Bundle > Mac > 64bit/Universal instead of Bundle > Windows > 64bit
In indie mac gaming, it is very very common for people to distribute unsigned mac games. We mac gamers have an easy way around that, which is a simple bash script (see below). All that is required to make it work is that it be rebuilt to 64bit OS X target, it is not necessary to update the actual version of OS X that it is targetting nor to properly codesign the bundle.
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
then echo "...$1"
echo $1
echo "correct execution format: 'sudo fixapp.command ~/Applications/"
if [[ "$1" ]] ; then
echo "fixing app"
sudo chmod -R 755 $1
sudo xattr -dr $1
echo "launching from app"
open $1
echo "error"
Whilst attempting to open the jar in the new version 8.31, it renders the "Loading" text for a second before closing the process and giving up without an error message or anything. I am unzipping the downloaded archive file and going into "Client" and attempting to launch TachyonsCE.jar directly by right clicking, is this incorrect? It doesn't appear to be a systems problem. I am running macOS on M1 with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11)
All assistance is appreciated.
I love everything about this game! I can totally relate to running out of motivation but I really hope you will make more games, even small ones. Your pixel art is some of the coolest, most immersive pixel art I've seen since Celeste! Lighting is epic, sound design is careful and precise, and the whole game feels cohesive! If you run low on motivation, I recommend branching out for a while and giving yourself a change of scenery. Doing so forced me to reconsider my perspective on a lot of things and added a lot of well needed color into my life. Thank you for making your games.