Hey, sorry if this is irrelevant, but is there a way to extract the thumbnail image? the SAI file is corrupted but for some very strange reason its thumbnail is still working, so I was hoping to extract the thumbnail image ....
You might be able to use a tool like https://thumbsviewer.github.io/ to open your thumbnail cache and extract it!
Otherwise I would probably have to write something using libsai just to extract the thumbnail if there is a need for it.
Interested in knowing how your sai file is corrupt though! Are Sai and Sai2 unable to open it?
Thanks for replying. I think there's an error on my drive. Sai 1 tells me "failed to open canvas". SAI2 opens it, but the image is damaged. The canvas has turned blank. However, the thumbnail image is still prefectly intact somehow. Thumbsviewer doesn't work because apparently the thumbnail image for SAi isn't in that folder.