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(1 edit)

You're a talented developer and Project Hotwife has the potential to be one of the best of its kind.

However, you should take a look at the character development. Both Ed and Merry have a back and forth development that, in the end, results in no development at all. The characters need to commit more to the choices of the player. If the player is trying to keep Merry virtuous, then that pretty much fits the way she's behaving in the game, but aside from that. She's not anywhere near promiscuous enough.

At the current length of the game it wouldn't be weird if she had gone through 5 or more sexual partners, but she hasn't. She's still faithful. There's no point in doing this other than blueballing the player.

You've had a lot of interesting situations in the game that could've gone somewhere sexually, but every single time it ends in a nope and another opportunity wasted.


Thanks for your feedback.

I understand your frustration with the couple's slow corruption progress.
But i don't believe that they are acting illogically, but rather too realistically.
A mental change of that magnitude can't happen overnight or a week, it has to be awakened slowly through various encountered and experiences.

I do feel they have changed significantly already, as they are both starting to act without always getting the ques from Jenny.
As for the missed opportunities, i believe does opportunities are the foundation for their true nature awakening.

I hope my answer helps you in any way.

(3 edits)

If you can promise it's coming and that the game won't be 95% leading up to the corruption the game teases and 5% exploring it I would be happy to wait.

I think most of the frustration by people currently is that they don't know whether it's coming or not. It's not like you're lazy, so just do your thing.

What I'm saying is, maybe tease people with what's to come in your own words, as much as you can without revealing anything that at this point should be obvious.

I would be very interested in seeing how long and far it can go when they finally start giving in.


We have a long story ahead of us.

And when eventually we get to that part, we will have plenty of time to explore tier true desires.