I really like the art style of your game! The all the sprites were just really well animated, which must have been a lot of work! The effects when you're at critical damage and on death is incredible and so stylized! I can really tell you had a clear vision about the style of the game. Also, I like the little lore added into the game (also love nice title drops haha). The movement actually felt really nice and decent! It was a lot of fun just just speeding through the map! The versatile kit that the player character has is really impressive with both a grounded and an aerial move, along with a healing move after defeating an enemy, which is a nice reward! The sound effects also brought upon the impact of the hits. The choice of music was also pretty fitting here and added to the intensity of it all. Nice all around!
There are some things that could have been improved on though. I like how the camera moves to the area your character is moving towards, which allows for more of the level to be seen by the player. It works properly when you're on the move, but turning around twice while in idle makes the game wait for the camera to go into the direction you first turn around in before going to the second (kind of like a queue) instead of immediately going into the direction the player is facing. This point is just really minor though, but just wanted let you know in case you were planning on continuing the game! The next two are some the comments have already mentioned. The enemies don't turn around when you're behind them and the levels lack substance, which is important in a game like this. I was able to make my own fun after beating the game by doing a pacifist run and trying to re-beat the game while not killing any enemies, which was fun because of the movement! You already have nice movement and good camera controls, so levels filled with enemies was just the final piece of the puzzle to have a neat game! Just also want to point out that the spikes are so small that they were hard to see when I was just playing the game normally. I mean you can have small spikes in games, but one pixel high spikes is a little unfair. Also, I think it would be better if you picked a better color for the spikes that helps it stand out more. You could try playing around with the size and color to make it both easy to miss, but not unfair.
Anyways, the complaints may look long, but I just wanted to detail them out in a way to help relay some of the misgivings that this could bring to players who want to play your game. There's a lot of positives going on here, with the sprite work and style being a highlight (at least in my opinion). Overall, I had a lot of fun beating the game twice and hope you had as much fun making it! Great job!