This was a fun concept where you have to pick and choose battles in order to conserve your health and survive long enough to fight the Georeds. It was fun that they move when you move, so you could strategize around their movement if RNG was nice to you, else they bullied you into a corner. Once I got to room 3 where the falling platforms restarted the level, I abused it to grind my level up to help fight them, liberating Paperia at level 15. Though I ended up grinding health packs more than anything. I sort of wished there was a wait button so I didn't end up in a corner so often.
The game confused me a bit on first few runs until I zoomed out of the fullscreen window to see everything. And I do adore the art style, the cover image made me want to play it pretty early. This is quite a puzzle-ful roguelike, even if the puzzle elements might not have been intended. Spectacular job!