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Nice game, great sprites and fun gameplay. I liked all the different weapons, my weapon of choice is the spraying one, because it autofires and I can use it to snipe enemies from outside their range. Speaking of enemies, AI can be pretty nasty to deal with, they are very quick at shooting back and the only answer is jumping over bullets. Maybe adding a crouching action could be nice, so that one can duck from bullets or snipe enemies from advantaged positions.

Great entry, congrats and well done!

Thanks for trying out my game, glad you liked it ^^ I experimented with different shot types i tried out, and everytime it worked and i liked the result i kept it to have as much variety as i could,  the spray weapon is not the only one that auto fires however, i just put some different rates, and some weapons are tapfire and no cap, so that every shot could have its properties pros and cons.

Yeah can't argue the AI is not that great, but it my first time trying some actual AI for ennemies, the thing is i wanted them to have reaction times so that it would be more fair but couldn't manage to pull it off so here they just have  a basic "i see you i shoot" thing going on, and i maybe went a bit overboard with their range since they can sometimes shoot you from pretty far, the only balancing thing i did with that is that, all projectiles in the game can harm the enemies, so you can exploit some friendly fire, and also trick the bounce shot ennemies into shooting themselves, not ideal but that's that XD

Crouching sounds like an excellent feature idea to improve combat, just gotta learn how i can change the hitboxe's size on the fly cause i haven't learned that yet :/

Anyway thanks again for your kind words :)