Lovely short experience. Always been a fan of your art style and I enjoyed the small little touches like the particle snow and footprints. The environment also looks great! The only issue I found is the lack of Y sorting on the background elements. Keep up the good work!
Bobbi Burrs
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Hi Llewelyn! Long time no see! Thanks for taking the time and trying the game, I truly appreciate it. To be fair it's not that good, I didn't use the limited time I had well enough and it's pretty much a failure on a lot of aspects. It's still good practice though. Next jam will be better eheh.
I agree: the music is great and it's a shame I forgot to credit properly while setting up the jam page last minute. You can now find the artist.
Looking forward to play more of your games!
So many systems implemented for a game jam game! Very nice work, there are only two small quality of life improvements I feel like recommending: being able to read the goat's message more than once might be nice if I skip it by mistake and being able to end day phase before due time, as lipi suggested.
You just need a slider going from -24 to 0 value wise (you can use a different range, I like that one which was used in the tutorial I followed). Then you connect the value_changed signal to a script running this code:
func _on_VolumeSlider_value_changed(value):
if value == -24:
AudioServer.set_bus_mute(AudioServer.get_bus_index("Master"), true)
AudioServer.set_bus_mute(AudioServer.get_bus_index("Master"), false)
AudioServer.set_bus_volume_db(AudioServer.get_bus_index("Master"), value)
Hello Sayanel! Thanks for trying it and your suggestions. Right now spines which hit produe a small particle and enemies briefly flash white (mostly visible on ghosts as they have some HP, whereas bats have 1 or 2 I think). Maybe I should make the particles bigger or add some sound (which I was a bit afraid of doing due to the sheer volume of bullets). Do you think player also needs more feedback on top of sound and screenshake?
Super cool game! I liked the pixel art a whole lot (especially the little characters) and the overall presentation was very good. Sound design was on point too. I rage quit after two runs in which I got downgrades that made it very difficult to shoot (a whirl thing making it very hard to aim and an icy thing which made bullets take a running start, often crashing on the wall behind me in tight quarters).
Nice job, great entry!
Hello dunkelgrau! Thanks you for tryin the demo and commenting. The setting is weird indeed. The original idea was to fight a Demonology book who summoned minions on the way. The cactus wizard was just an old idea sleeping in my sketches. I thought it could make for a fun character in an '80s style cute 'em up, using different configurations of spines as bullets.
I agree it's not super clear how to start the game, sorry it wasted your time. I'm still working on this prototype and I hope to turn into a short full game.
Hello angelab! Thanks for playing and the kind words! If you want I can share my volume control thingy with you, it's pretty simple and you can just copy/paste it in projects. I only used it twice, but I should get a habit of including it in all my jam games I think.
It's embarassing I called it Needlemancer but the actual name for them is spines... ^^
Hi PixelMetalWolf! Thank you so much. Unfortunately there is no level design in the current demo, it's just randomly spawning dudes in order to have something to shoot at/dodge while testing. I didn't actually complete a proper game (I am very slow), but i still wanted to share what I managed to create. I will try and update this into a meaningful game.
Nice to see you pushing out more games! I looove the cover art and character design on this one sooo much. Nice music and art! I had lots of fun clearing the game. It is super tough in the beginning, but it was cool to learn the system, dash through the level, pick up powerups and kite enemies into bibliotecary death traps.
Very good game!
Pretty nice experience! I liked the pixel art a lot and the overall map layout. Maybe some shortcuts would have been nice, but that's just nitpicking! The only weird thing I noticed was in the fire cave: is the player supposed to be able to walk everywhere? I also liked the soundtrack, although the damage sound effect could maybe be a bit less loud.
Overall a very good job, well done! Nice feeling of exploration, I got 30 tiny books in about 16 mins I think? I died once in the fire cave, not sure how, but I think I wasn't supposed to walk on the light part of the map.