This is a pretty solid game :) My biggest complaint is probably the jumping. I would have liked to be able to do shorter jumps by not pressing as long on the jump button. Also, I kinda wish I could adjust my jump angle/trajectory in mid-jump. I had a tough time jumping around.
However, I *was* able to manage to beat the game! I think my favorite gun was the (A)utomatic since I could take out enemies better with the random scatter. It was also more fun to have a faster fire rate.
I wonder if the (L)aser gun could be a bit more powerful since the fire rate is so slow. Also, I never managed to find the (B)ounce gun in-game, but it was fun to try out at the end (does it really fire that fast in the game?). I was happy that the ricochets also damaged enemies.
Overall, really nice job. Graphics were solid and the sounds fit (though I might prefer some variety on the enemy sounds).