Thank you! The “credits = quit” is a bug because I failed to get all the code indexed correctly when I added the options since I wanted to give folks the option to turn off my lousy music (That I made). Because of this a second bug is present since “quit” doesn’t do anything. I temporarily have the credits on the game’s page until I can fix that, thank you for bringing this to my attention.
And as for inputs, I could of gone a lil overboard. But I felt I was hitting all my bases for “a” standard craft game with movement, sprint, item interact/use, item drop, pause (encyclopedia/progression check), and inventory select + inventory shortcuts. (Yeah, that could be a lot) I hoped I implemented the bow & arrow mechanic well enough that if you forgot what button reload was, it would automatically load with some arrows. I also intentionally forgone mouse input since I thought I might of had time for controller input. How helpful was the “how to play” since I tried writing it along side development to help remember key info about the game’s play loop.
How would you cut back on the number of inputs? I could see the inventory select buttons [1-8] are pretty close to ignored. And what example(s) of visual explanation do you mean? I did think about a tutorial level that would help you get familiar with the controls, but time didn’t permit. (Tutorial would of taken place on a ship which once complete you could choose to beam down to a planet to start play, or interact with a window to go back to the menu). I’m just drawing a blank on how to provide visual feedback (since I was executing a bit of other visual feedback with rocks and trees shaking, items slide when dropped, inventory would fade + expand/shrink when doing something with it) since I was trying to go for a minimal UI that kept all the player’s information relative to them.
Thank you again for the feedback, I always love receiving it :3