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How much time it will take more? 

Hey! Yeah I know it's been forever. I had started working on setting up a motion capture system, so that all of the animations in the game would be based on actual busts. But then the pandemic kicked in and I had to put all of the plans to bring in actors/actresses on hold. Hopefully I'll be able to work on it again sometime soon

hey, how. are you? How it proceed? Remember my suggestions for the game

Hey Calpalf--doing well, how about yourself? I didn't forget. I've actually finally started getting some work done on my next bb thing. I'm going to be moving in about a month, and after I set up at my new place, I can finally start doing the motion capture. I'm really excited (and a little nervous :p) to make what I think is probably the first game to capture actual ballbusting in the model animation. The trailer should showcase the real-life kicks with the in-game footage side-by-side. Plus, of course, voice actors for the dialogue should add a lot to the effect.

Remember to put an option for subtitles, I'm not bad in English, but I don't understand good the verbal part yet. By the way, I should help you with Italian subtitles, so it will be more efficient for foreign people. 

If the character is a masochist, you can add some random conversations between women when they talk about bb, for example: "a guy was bothering me the other day, I said to don't mess with me but he didn't stop, so I kicked/kneed/squeezed/booted him in the balls and he fell on the ground in agony", so if the hero is a masochist this will turn him on (the orgasm bar, remember? if is full he cums), the more the bar is full, the more is difficult for him to steal good, so when he cums for a hit, he will be more effective to steal for good again, but after the cum the hits will be more effective, so you can add a mini game that when the bar is over the 50% he can try to calm itself with something (food, meditation,  run, or something else). 

Put a mode of "all naked" too, but only after the first victory, and all the extra money we can spend to upgrade him or the NPC (boots [normal/pointy/steel toe, and they will be effective], clothes, nails [long/short, and they will be effective], threats and something else).

Don't forget the female thieves, they can make you lose all the work done so far stealing your money.

I know that is really an hard work, but it will be really great in the end.

Do you have a price in mind for all this?

(1 edit)

Those are great ideas. The new game will actually not be this GTA-style one (though I may return to this one later) but it WILL involve sneaking around as a thief (with Metal Gear Solid types of guards/controls) so some of your suggestions may fit. Definitely agree about adding an unlockable all-nude mode and random BB conversations you can overhear (those should be fun to record.)

And you're welcome to do the Italian subtitles when it's all done--thanks for the offer!

Don't know the price yet--it will probably be cheaper for early adopters on Patreon, and slightly more after it's released, but definitely would keep it under $10.

Happy to be helpful. For the patron thing, I tried to buy another game of yours, but this site don't recognize my prepaid credit card (MasterCard). 

Yeah, itch can be picky about what cards they'll accept. If you want to message me I'll see if I can fix it