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I must say, this demo is amazing! I love that I chose to be a girl called Marina, then picked the option to say "Wow. Cove's dad is obsessed with water!" XD. I also love that I chose for her to have blue hair and yellow eyes (like the sea and sun; I love my symbolism) and Cove so happened to say he likes blue and yellow. Coincidence? (I hope not!)

I adore the exploration of the various stages of a relationship and the lasting inpact you can have on a person; those themes haven't been represented in such depth in games before. It's great that Cove remembers what you tell him too, very sweet. ("I thought you couldn't own a hill." I'm such a great influence! :D)

I loved going from childhood friendship to awkward teen crush, so cute! I was hoping to get him to open up more; I made sure to be extroverted, but he still seemed to be quite shy. I think I was too nice and not rebellious enough the first time. Figuring out the mystery behind how your choices affect Cove makes for great replayability, and it's exciting to see the various versions of him and his personality come into effect.

I was wondering will the soundtrack and artbook be available to purchase once the game launches or are they only available through becoming a patron? I was thinking about becoming one anyway because I'd love to play the beta and support this amazing project. Looking forward to this, as well as Now and Forever too. Couldn't recommend it enough, thank you so much for making this! :D


Wow, thank you very much for all the kind words!

The artbook and soundtrack will be available after the game releases. But right now they're not available through any means, including the Patreon. But the Patreon does have the beta and sneak peeks into what we're working on. I appreciate the interest in supporting us. Thank you again <3