I wouldn't have wanted the boss to be too much easier, I like bosses that feel tough but fair. I'm starting to wonder if I went too easy in my game.
You ended your game with "To be continued..." I hope that wasn't an empty promise! I'd like continue my game in some way or another too, this game only scratched the surface of story ideas I already have ready. The tough part is making it into a game. ;-; I find it's much easier to motivate myself with a Jam. As soon as the community posting art, progress, encouragement, sharing ideas, etc is gone, it gets so much harder to keep working at it.
But anyway, thanks for running this Jam! It's my favorite one that I've participated in. Doesn't hurt that it directly lines up with my taste in settings, hehe. (Though I'm sure Jammie the Witch will make a return one of these days... haha)