Very neat Gameplay with a lot of potential!
Adherence To Theme
- It's a bit of a stretch. Maybe if you represent the player as this bundled up pack of 3 characters for comedic effect it would've been a bit clearer.
Game Design
- The general platforming is very precise and snappy, feels great.
- The Tomahawk mechanic is neat although there is not much of an incentive to use one move over the other, apart from the boss, more varied enemy design would be a welcome addition!
- I liked the little puzzles that use the teleportation mechanic. They switch up the Gameplay quite a bit in a way that felt a bit like in the 2D Metroid titles, where you get new props in your arsenal and need to learn how to use them differently for new "puzzles". Neat!
- Very Original idea. The sum of its parts make it stand out, not so much the individual mechanics. I love it!
- The music was bopping along quite well! The graphics are... Servicable. You can tell enemies and players apart, they stand out from the background and it is clear what is a hazard and what is a switch.
- A bit of refinement would add so much to this and I'm not talking about "artistic" value here. For example making the Tileset a bit more varied, to look more pleasing around the edges. (There is a free version of "Tilesetter" which does exactly that, only using what you already have in your game. It's super useful for jams and full projects alike!
- The blood effect was a cool addition to feel, however felt a bit over the top, so much so it might be distracting in a scene with more than 2 enemies.