You "packed up" one of the most original concepts for this jam :) I loved the idea of mixing the theme with packing your stuff to go to school and the inner thoughts.
The art looks really good, way beyond a 48h game's standard. Made me feel like I was playing an Earthbound game. The music's also good and the controls respond perfectly.
My only complaints are that for a bullet hell, the enemies could have better "attack patterns". The boys always shoot straight at you, while the books spread in a way that makes it really hard to predict... I ended up playing it as a cover and shoot game, hiding in the corners and by the door.
Also, the tutorial is really, really slow. Giving such a long text-based tutorial for players is basically asking them to ignore it. If you update it later, keep it simple and use something else other than text, it'll be way more enjoyable.
So far this is my highest-rated game in this Jam. Way to go!