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Wonderful artwork, and premise. I hope you get the time to pursue this project further.

Andrew hi! This coming from you is a treat. 

yes, i am clearing my path so that i get time to work on the game. my goal is to get the polished version by June 3rd. Good motivator this VR game jam was!

ooh and about the 2D art style...that was such a pain to setup. i wasted so much time drawing objects in perspectives but they are not coming right because this is 6DOF so User head is not just on a swivel but also translating.

                    i chose TBS system for many design reasons but it also helped in making Players keep their head locked , even the CamCorder mechanics demanded the Players to be stable to focus on the tiles and the threats. but, i guess i will have to find better format or perspective to draw 2D.  i will build this 2D in VR as my signature style.

-and again, thanks for appreciating the artwork, that made it absolutely worth it.


You're quite welcome! I honestly didn't even realize the difference in tracking. That does explain how it wasn't difficult to align your view up with the camera.

Hi, i am not able to update my build here. 

what seems to be the problem? Is it not allowed to update the builds when the jam is over?

I believe you're only able to update your build via the game's page, rather than the jam entry.

Are you able to update your entry?  I can change my other game but no for this game no files can be added

From the looks of it, Yes. I get the "Upload Files" button on my game's page.

Everytime i upload a new APK ( i submitted for Oculus Quest) it doesn't upload. What can I do now? 

I'm not sure. Have you tried uploading it on a new game page as a test? Or, do you know if it's your connection? I was able to upload another file to my own page without an issue.

okay, i found the issue, it is the APK package. All cool now!

Thanks for all the responses, VR ANDREW!