yeah i can skip the Intro ♥
ok ehm I`m playing on my Notebook, so Yes I am Using only bluetooth, and no i dont have any other programm running
Yep i try it, if he is connected with usb is walking like sonic in one way, and the sound is not working.
i recorded short how it looks via bluetooth:
Hey lilRob,
This is such a weird problem I haven't came across before. I feel like theres some kind of conflict going on with your computer reading the inputs. I think that it some kind of program or driver thats interacting with the gamepad. Could you give some more specifics on your situation so that we can get to the bottom of it?
Thanks a lot for the feedback,
checked all drivers, and shut down all programm who i not need, no results.
i tryd now to change the ps4 data into xbox with scpserver and then with ds4 but it didnt work to.
i was looking in my Pad devies and saw that 2 axis are not working can`t understand that so don`t know think its a typical windows 10 problem.