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Interesting game. I think the pros of this game are definitely the music, and the opening scene, which was quite interesting to walk through. Also, the character animation is quite good. (Much better than I could do) In my opinion, there is not a whole let else. But don't be discouraged, please. I'll just share some of my thoughts of how this game could be improved.

--First off, I attempted to play this game four times before deciding to stop.--

I'm sure there was some sort of mechanic in the game, which I must have not noticed, but when I played this game, I kept getting stuck on the first piece of the cassette. I get there must be some way to get through the wall, but I'm not quite sure what it is, but after enough key-spamming, I somehow got to the first piece. Couldn't figure out how to get out though. So could you please make it more obvious how the game is supposed to be played?

Also, I know your download file says final, but if you're at all still planning on updating the game, I'll put a list of bugs I found below.

-All tiles have a sort of blue outline around them, which looks quite strange.

-You can half jump up blocks that are two tiles high

-When the timer runs out, it goes into the negative numbers.

-In the beginning screen, the music is played, but the UI sound effects on top of that produce a weird effect, which I'm almost certain is not intentional, but of course, I could be wrong.

(1 edit)

hey there. thanks for the feed back. What wall are we talking about? The one to the right or the one underground? And yes i willl update this

there are bugs, but again its a jam game made by a 13 year old developer. i think it turned out pretty well


The underground one

Yeah that is supposed to be the last piece you get. The game was made to be pretty hard, and that piece can only be reached with dalton. i do agree tho i could have gave a better hint. Btw if you got the underground one, you can easily finish the others. Thanks for playing tho. I really need to improve my game balacing skills