This game is unique on the theme interpretation. but not gonna lie, there are few of issue here. first thing first, lets break down the issues :
- The food movement. they pretty much only move once every few sec, makes it really boring. And looks like theres also spot where the food can move to but we can't shoot em. fact that they move really rarely even make it worse. Maybe you should let the food collision with the other and change their movement algorithm, t you could like make it move right for randomized step and move left for randomized step and looping it. ill bet it would be much more fun
- Are there any losing state or time limit ? if there are, you should cut the time and show it on the game, and if there's none, you should add one :p
okay, now lets talk about what's good from the game
- The art. i can tell this game would be in top 5 visuals.
- Audio. sfx and music is blending well, i like it
These are my subjective opinion so take it with a grain of salt. im not a good game dev either so that add up to how unreliable this comment was XD