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(5 edits) (+3)

Somehow my game got bugged and whenever I use heroin (doesn't matter which character) the screen goes black and that's it. I can hear my footsteps walking around but I just have to restart. it doesn't matter in which area I do's weird because in the same game I could normally use heroin and I dunno what triggered this. It has affected all of my saves, even older files in which I could use heroin.

EDIT:  It happened after I made Levi take heroin and, while he was doing the injection animation, a bobby engaged in combat (enemies take a bit to come to a full stop when the animation starts). after I finished combat, the character models became invisible while on the field and, after I reloaded to fix that, It would completely go dark when I tried to use heroin (even when I completely closed the game and restarted it)

EDIT 2 : I watched the experience of a youtube creator trying the new classes. He also had 2.3. The glitch of blackness happened to him without the conditions that I mentioned in the first Edit of this post. That means it's probably not what triggers it. He gave Levi the heroin right in front of the mayor, game went black, he talked to him, text and dialogue options were visible, he started the fight, he won the fight, game returned to normal. so it gets fixed after an encounter, I guess?


It's a weird glitch. By using heroine I can trigger the black screen. If I start combat and win, my screen will no longer be black, but the party is invisible and I can't open my menu.

However this isn't the only way I've found to make the party invisible, sometimes just fighting enemies inside the old city will trigger the invisible party glitch. I haven't found a way to fix the invisible party glitch personally.


This guy gets the blackness glitch, fights the mayor and afterwards the party is visible (it's near the end of the video) maybe invisibility chance after combat is 50/50


Thats actually because I cut to a previous save then fought the boss without using heroin. When I use it though same things happen and I can't open the menu either.


ooooh, my bad then!

No problem! Sometimes I forget to mention certain cuts i make😅


It should be now fixed in v2.4. I updated some of the base systems in v2.3 and there was one attribute that only got set in the beginning of the game, if you continued with a save from an older build, that attribute was never set. In v2.4 I made a fail safe if you transition to another room, this way the attribute is set.

Thank you so much for the update!