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Listen mate, how did u get to the idea to make a game for a game jam in 1 week and charge it?! Didnt it cross ur mind there would be 60+ other free games to play, and besides that not all people have the money to buy ur game. No one called you rude until you started actually being rude and calling others "homeless". As I saw from the replies someone was actually homeless in the past and that could have really offended them. Chill the fuck out and continue with ur life. 


the time it takes to create a game does not set the quality of the game. Im just fast in game dev and thats not my fault. and the sentence "people have money to buy your game" confuses me , because the game is not 60$ like other steam games its 1$ :|


$60 is just the same as $1 when every other game is free. For those like myself, money isn't even an option no matter whether we want to buy your game. If you're gonna advertise then I highly recommend finding a different crowd.

Deleted 4 years ago

As i said, not everyone has money to spend on ur game made in 1 week especially when theres a bunch of free ones, im not saying u cant make money off of it, it just isnt a smart idea to sell a game made in 1 week for a game jam. Nothing that I said needs to confuse you, its your own fault you brought hate on yourself for calling other people homeless. Besides that, u cant call a game made in 1 week finished, it probably has a bunch of bugs and not such long of a play time. I am a fast game developer too, but that doesnt mean the quality is always the best. Peace man

I saw the trailer for your game and it looks pretty good, I didnt say the time it takes to create a game sets the quality, but you should definitely work more on it and then release it, especially if its a game that requires payment to play. Besides that, if you want to win the game jam at least set it to free during the game jam period, then you can make it payed. This just seems like you are trying to promote something, like kind of an ad. You would also get feedback from the community to see what you can fix or make better before you sell your game. Look at this reply as a personal suggestion and stop fighting against all others. 

Deleted post
Deleted 4 years ago

I am a judge, but that doesnt mean I always need to be professional. People explained it to them 100 times and at this point I feel like they are pretending not to understand because they dont want to accept they are in the wrong, they are 13, that age is well enough to understand a concept of a finished game and not call others homeless for not buying it.  Besides that it was 1 cuss word in the last sentence, nothing more. Peace

Deleted 4 years ago

Oh, btw, im 13 xD
