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worst game jam ever

A topic by skullll games created May 18, 2020 Views: 1,203 Replies: 38
Viewing posts 1 to 12

I just made the first commercial game in my life and everyone in this jam is begging me to make it free. and when I say 1$ is not a lot of money , the owner comes and tells me that im rude. hate this jam.


yeah buddy... you cant really expect people to spend money just to play a game for you. even if 1$ is not a lot of money


As someone who recently left a homeless shelter, I can say I don't have the funds to buy your game. Not even if it's cheap. I don't even have a paypal or anything to buy it if I wanted. The last bit of my money went to my little brother so he could save up for a toy from the dollar store. I understand you may want to market your product, as I also hope to do that in the future. But this simply isn't the place. If you want an idea, maybe try building up a channel on youtube or twitch and then sending your viewers over to a patreon or something.


I'm so, SO sorry you had to stay at a homeless shelter. I've been advocating for years to improve local shelters, so I'm well-aware of what a nightmare they can be. I'm glad you made it out safe!


Please don't apologize. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm glad you're advocating for shelters though. People don't seem to understand that being in a shelter does not mean the same thing as being happy or even remotely protected. Luckily, I'm not trapped in the cycle of homelessness that I've seen too much of for others.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

why would you submit a paid game for a game jam though? and apparently you made the game in 4 days?


you legit made it in a week you should never try to sell something that you made in such in a short time it's just unprofessional


He submitted 3 days early as well

Jam Host (2 edits) (+5)

Hee hee I'm tired of lecturing this person lmao.

Edit (06/22/2021): Oh god. This comment makes me cringe and slowly die inside because it contains "hee hee" and "lmao" in the same sentence and it still got upvotes. If only I had a time machine that enabled me to travel back to the first half of 2020 and reconsider the wording of this comment.

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

Looking at his profile, he is only 13. I am sure he will understand the concept of monetizing games vs free or gamejam games in the future.


Im 13 and im actually confused how anyone could actually think about putting a game in a jam that costs money.  for me i dont care about any money. Like reviews and ratings is what personally i think most people who are that age should be going for but thats just my thoughts idk.


For me, it's the reviews. I love talking to people in the comments and hearing all their great ideas. Seeing everyone come to together to exchange creativity is just so exciting! :D


Yes :) and really the only way to get better and produce a game that is worth any money is feedback.


I think that is a great attitude!


I think the main reason for this is cause i want this more than anything idk :)


I am literally 13, but I would never try to sell something that I made in such a short time. I have never tried to sell any of my games, especially jam games. The game I am going to sell I have been working on for 3 months, and plan to work on for another 4. It's good if you want to monetize your game and hard work, but not during a jam. Make it free for the jams duration, then afterwards you can add on to it and sell it.


Just like what I said to the person above, I really think that is a great attitude. I think perhaps Parsa just wanted to attend the gamejam without knowing what game jams are actually for.

Jam Host

I agree, Parsa is maybe unexpired. I never sold any of my games, not even uploaded every single one i made. I am currently working on one I plan to charge $1, it will probably be months of work. I still do not understand how someone could charge a game made for a game jam in 1 week. 

Deleted 4 years ago

I have to say, I'm quite impressed! Most in-person game jams I've attended are filled with college students and young or (young-ish) adults. But this jam appears to have attracted a number of individuals under 18. That's awesome! I'd love to know what tools the under under-18 crowd is using.


Ive been using unity and for assets i use blender and photoshop :)


thats impressive!




Is it me or anyone is older? I mean at least not 13 cuz all I see is 13 years old playing with money.


there are somethat are older, im 13 aswell

Jam Host(+4)

Listen mate, how did u get to the idea to make a game for a game jam in 1 week and charge it?! Didnt it cross ur mind there would be 60+ other free games to play, and besides that not all people have the money to buy ur game. No one called you rude until you started actually being rude and calling others "homeless". As I saw from the replies someone was actually homeless in the past and that could have really offended them. Chill the fuck out and continue with ur life. 


the time it takes to create a game does not set the quality of the game. Im just fast in game dev and thats not my fault. and the sentence "people have money to buy your game" confuses me , because the game is not 60$ like other steam games its 1$ :|


$60 is just the same as $1 when every other game is free. For those like myself, money isn't even an option no matter whether we want to buy your game. If you're gonna advertise then I highly recommend finding a different crowd.

Deleted 4 years ago
Jam Host

As i said, not everyone has money to spend on ur game made in 1 week especially when theres a bunch of free ones, im not saying u cant make money off of it, it just isnt a smart idea to sell a game made in 1 week for a game jam. Nothing that I said needs to confuse you, its your own fault you brought hate on yourself for calling other people homeless. Besides that, u cant call a game made in 1 week finished, it probably has a bunch of bugs and not such long of a play time. I am a fast game developer too, but that doesnt mean the quality is always the best. Peace man

Jam Host

I saw the trailer for your game and it looks pretty good, I didnt say the time it takes to create a game sets the quality, but you should definitely work more on it and then release it, especially if its a game that requires payment to play. Besides that, if you want to win the game jam at least set it to free during the game jam period, then you can make it payed. This just seems like you are trying to promote something, like kind of an ad. You would also get feedback from the community to see what you can fix or make better before you sell your game. Look at this reply as a personal suggestion and stop fighting against all others. 

Deleted post
Deleted 4 years ago
Jam Host

I am a judge, but that doesnt mean I always need to be professional. People explained it to them 100 times and at this point I feel like they are pretending not to understand because they dont want to accept they are in the wrong, they are 13, that age is well enough to understand a concept of a finished game and not call others homeless for not buying it.  Besides that it was 1 cuss word in the last sentence, nothing more. Peace

Deleted 4 years ago
Jam Host(+1)

Oh, btw, im 13 xD




oh wow, aggressive move


You also re-used a game you had for another jam, and you expect us to pay for a game that was free just with new mechanics.

Deleted 4 years ago
Submitted (1 edit)

You also were going to take Dorbellprod's advice of not making a paid game. A forum post 10 days ago... And you said you would create a new game with new art. But nonono, here we are.


Aren't pre-existing games not allowed?


not sure, there were some submissions where they said they worked on it before


in most jams the game would have gotten removed cause in most jams you have to make a game when the jam start if you have an already existing project that's kinda unfair to everyone else