This is very polished and promising. Nice palette and good graphics. Some of it is very impressive (the giant hands), and there is some very good trippy imagery in the boss battle. Melody's jump feels a bit difficult to control, but everything else feels good to me. A bit of storyline as well, with some snappy lines, and both Melody and the bad guy are memorable characters. The music isn't insanely memorable, but it's not bad, and I enjoyed the boss music.
Unfortunately, I still haven't beaten the boss fight. In between the boss being ludicrously durable and difficult to hit, and the rather precise platforming, I don't seem able to do more than make a dent in his health bar. Unless there is some puzzly way of defeating him, I don't think I'm going to get further. Which is a shame, because I wouldn't mind seeing more of this game.
I appreciate that falling into the pit isn't insta-death, and that you respawn at the start of the boss battle when you die. However, given how hard it is, I think refilling the player's health bar upon entering the fight would be a merciful touch.
Nitpicking aside, I had fun playing this, and I keep coming back to how good-looking and all over well done it is. Best of luck continuing to expand it.